Sunday 1 May 2011

June 2010

June didn’t start too well for me as I had a rap on the knuckles from the Rector! We had attempted, but lost, a Quarter Peal of Grandsire on the last Sunday of May and had decided at short notice to have another go before practice on the Wednesday. However someone (me) didn’t realise she needed to ask permission and someone (me) didn’t think about the neighbours trying to enjoy their G&T’s in the garden on a lovely summer’s evening. So to all those whose quiet evening I interrupted…….I’m sorry!

We had one first in June – a quarter peal of Hawkhurst Bob Triples which was a first in method for all who rang in it. I attempted a quarter of Plain Bob Major which we didn’t get. Even though I had rung a touch perfectly at practice a couple of times I was rubbish on the night though I had just got into the “swing of it” when it was miscalled – which is hardly surprising as I think the conductor was so amazed the coursing order was still correct!

July heralds the annual Branch Striking competition… Good Luck to the Swanage team! Good striking is one of the most important aspects of bell ringing. Not only should the bells never “clash” by sounding at the same moment but they should sound to a perfect rhythm, tapping out a steady beat with equally spaced gaps between blows. Next time you hear us ringing why don’t you stop and pause a while and listen……

In August we are going to run a “Learning Bellringing” Course. The dates are every Wednesday in August (4th, 11th, 18th & 25th) from 6.30 – 7.30pm. The cost of the course will be £5. These first four beginner sessions are aimed to give potential ringers the opportunity to sample what is involved. If successful a further/continuation course will take place in the Autumn. Why not give it a go? We’d love for you to join us! Places will be limited so please telephone me to book a place.

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