Tuesday 5 April 2011

9th May 2010

Great excitement in the tower this morning: We discovered that Kat Clark, one of our learners, had won the Salisbury Diocesan Guild of Ringers “Most Improved Ringer” Award. I was delighted to present her with the trophy and certificate in a full ringing chamber this morning. Well done Kat!

April 2010

I have just been elected the new Tower Captain of the Swanage Bellringers. This has come as somewhat of a shock to me as I only took up bellringing 18 months ago when I attended the first of the Swanage autumn bellringing courses. I am, therefore, a complete novice.

They say on all the best talent shows – Strictly Come Dancing comes to mind - it’s not how good you are but the journey you take. So I thought you might like to come with me on my journey as I learn not only how to ring bells but also about being a Tower Captain.

During April, in addition to our usual Sunday ringing, we rang half-muffled for the Good Friday 3 hour service. We preceded this with hot cross buns and coffee in St Mary’s Rooms as it’s always a good idea to feed and water bellringers!

We have had quite a few “firsts” during April:

On Friday 23rd April eight members of the band got together at 6pm to ring a Quarter Peal of Plain Bob Triples. We were joining in the National Campaign, “Ringing for England”, aimed at getting greater recognition of St George’s Day as England’s National Day. As far as I am aware this was the first time the Swanage Bellringers had specifically rung for this occasion.

The band who took part in the St George’s Day Quarter Peal
From left: Peter Harris, Eddie Dicken (hidden), Jill Harris, Sally Jenkins, Kat Clark, Phil Miles, Matthew Pike, Mike Pitman

For one of the band, Kat Clark, this was her first Quarter Peal on an “inside” bell. She chose to ring the 3 and rang very well indeed.

I also had two personal firsts: my first Quarter Peal of Plain Bob Minor on an inside bell (11th April) and my first Quarter Peal of Grandsire Triples on an inside bell (25th April).

The clappers of the 2 and 4 bells went off to have new pins and brackets fitted and to be rebushed. No, I don’t know what it means either but the experienced members of the band are all nodding sagely and smiling so it must be good! In time, as space permits, I hope to tell you about the bells and the different methods we ring.

If you would like to come and visit us we would love to see you. Just take the stone steps up to the tower - it’s only a climb of 50 steps. If you are interested in learning to ring, or are a lapsed ringer and would like to join us then please feel free to contact me.

Sally Jenkins (422435)

Any opinions expressed above are mine and mine alone and do not represent the opinions of the Swanage Bellringers - Sally Jenkins, Tower Captain